I was invited to help the people affected by the flooding of the Arkansas River. I drove to Conway where the M.A.R.C. was located at Wesley United Methodist Church. MARC stands for Multiple Agency Resource Centers. It is a one stop place for people who were affected by the recent river flooding to come and […]... Read More

Holy Week

We will be deep into Holy Week by the time you get this article. I outlined the broad strokes of this week in my sermon this past Sunday. Palm Sunday is the start with the procession into Jerusalem by Jesus. Monday commences with Jesus in the Temple kicking over money changers tables that were cheating […]... Read More

Tony Campolo

Rev. Tony Campolo tells this story, “There are three points to my sermon.” Most people yawned at the point. They’d heard that many times before. But he went on. “My first point is this. At this time there are approximately two billion people starving to death in the world.” The reaction through the congregation was […]... Read More