Annual Conference 2023

I am just back from Annual Conference 2023. It was my first regular Annual Conference as the Conference Secretary. I have done two special conferences that were only one day but this was the main show. It is one of the best conferences I have ever attended and not because of me. The spirit of the people was joyful. More smiles, more laughter, the atmosphere was one of joy. We had a surreal experience with the Bishop singing the Holy Communion Service. It touched everyone that I heard speaking about it.

I did have a special presentation about Substance Abuse and the Opioid Crisis that I am working on with the Clinton Foundation, 19 clergy colleagues (9 UMC pastors). The presentation seemed to be well received by most of the folks that came up to me afterward. It is time for the stigma to be erased and the healing to begin. I came home and had a conference call with two of the clergy to discuss our upcoming training events. I am excited to start with my new clergy friends.

Most of all I am excited to report that I am getting reappointed to Beebe FUMC.

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