Help is Here by Max Lucado

I am part of Max Lucado’s launch team so I have the privilege to start reading his new book prior to publication. I am currently through Chapter Six and it is my favorite so far. It describes the Holy Spirit helping us through tough times.

“If all the worldwide perils weren’t enough, we face personal ones. Blood cell count goes up. Savings account goes down. Marriage goes south. Pandemics rage. Work goes off the rails. Stress goes off the charts. Can’t sleep. Can’t eat. You are powerless to calm this inner storm.

The result? Anxiety. The emotion is not a sign of weakness, immaturity, or demon possession. It is the result of living in a fast-changing, challenging world. Anxiety is not a sign of weakness. But anxiety does weaken us. It takes our sleep. It numbs our minds. It clutters our hearts with dread. Yet help is here. You have at your hand the surest antidote for trepidation. The Holy Spirit. He is the calming presence of God in the world today. He will help you defy the voices of fear and draw you nigh to the presence of peace.” Help is Here by Max Lucado

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