Introduction to the people of FUMC – Beebe

I have tried to hit the ground running so that I can get up to speed with all the different areas of the church. I’ve had my first trustee meeting and my first finance meeting. Tonight will be my first SPRC meeting. We did a drive-thru “Meet and Greet” and I went to a birthday party and have a baby shower Saturday the same way. It is a slower than normal process due to Covid but I do hope to get to know more and more of you as time goes on.

As I stated in my letter that went out on Facebook, I was born and raised in Northern New Mexico. At twelve, we moved to Texas and I lived there until I joined the Army at 18 (17 if you count delayed entry) and I served for eight years. All my education was done in Texas and I moved to Arkansas twelve years ago.

I have served in both the Texas and Arkansas Annual Conferences. I have my doctorate in Pastoral Leadership from Houston Graduate School of Theology. My M.Div. is from Perkins, School of Theology at Southern Methodist University and my undergraduate degree is from Texas A&M, Commerce, B.S. in History.

I have a certified Pet Therapy Dog, Remington, who comes with me to church. We used to visit the Veteran’s Hospital on a monthly basis at Fort Root, NLR, and several nursing homes in the area. When Covid restrictions are eased, I plan on putting him back to work. Max is my puppy, a French Bulldog-Boston Terrier, rescue. He is a brat but maybe when he calms down you will get to meet him as well. Simone, the cat, doesn’t like strangers but she rounds out my current household.

My daughter, Maryssa, lives in Seattle. She is an energy analyst for “Level 10”. She graduated from Harvard in 2017 and is planning on starting law school in the fall. She took a few days off to help me move here, for which I am eternally grateful.

I hope to get to know you all in the near future.
Rev. Candace

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