Different Prayer Types

This week I will be giving a sermon on prayer so I decided to tell you about some of the different types of prayer over the next few weeks. Prayer can take many forms and are essential in our healthy connection to God. One of the first prayers that many of us will encounter involves silence and solitude.

One of the best prayers to practice for this type is Lectio Divina which literally means God (Divine) and Holy Words (scripture). You grab your Bible and read a passage once through twice to yourself. Silently focus on one word or phrase that catches your attention. Repeat that word or phrase a few times. Allow it to fill your mind and heart. Then meditate on that word or phrase.

You might then respond to God and what God is telling you through this word or phrase. Finally, contemplate on what God has shared with you as you went through this prayer. Amen.

Rev. Candace

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