Holy Week

We will be deep into Holy Week by the time you get this article. I outlined the broad strokes of this week in my sermon this past Sunday. Palm Sunday is the start with the procession into Jerusalem by Jesus. Monday commences with Jesus in the Temple kicking over money changers tables that were cheating the people as they exchanged money for the temple tax. Tuesday seems Jesus teaching in his followers using parables. Wednesday we don’t see anything regarding Jesus in the Gospel passages. And then Thursday comes with the “Last Supper” and the arrest of Jesus. Friday is the beating, torture, and crucifixion on Jesus. Saturday Jesus fights his battles, according to legend, with Satan in hell. Sunday arrives with the resurrection. This was the Cliff Notes version of Holy Week but it remains an integral part of our Christian faith and practice. I hope to see you all at Amboy UMC at 7 pm for our Maundy Thursday service.


Rev. Candace

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