Max Lucado Bible Study

Our new study for Wednesday nights is going to be “He Chose the Nails” by Max Lucado. Max continues by examining the gifts that Christ gave at his crucifixion. These include not only the gift of the cross, but also the gift of the thorns, the nails, and the empty tomb. The cross is rich with God’s gifts of grace, and as we unwrap them, we will hear him whisper, “I did it just for you.”

I am now back from my vacation and getting back into the swing of things. Joy was able to get the End of Year reports submitted before the deadline. Yay!! I pray that all of your Christmas and New Year Celebrations were just as wonderful as mine.

One of the great things that I get the privilege of being a part of is Drew Ingles’ Eagle Scout Court of Honor. I was asked to the do the benediction and I am so thrilled. It is quite an accomplishment to earn Eagle Scout. It is a lot of hard work and dedication. I want to publically tell Drew how proud we all are of his accomplishment.


Rev. Candace

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