Christmas & New Year

This is one of the busiest times of the year for clergy and churches. Not only do we have several additional church services to arrange but poinsettias, end of year pledge campaigns, end of year denominational reports and this year several maintenance issues to deal with as church staff. With all that going on, it is easy to get lost in the overwhelming issues and pressures of the day and I’m sure it is the same for everyone out there. Or the exact opposite, you might be feeling ignored, forgotten, lonely, or depressed when you think you should be feeling happy, merry and jolly. God didn’t make the decision to come to earth and live among us to stress us out but to save us. It is easy to say “remember the reason for the season” but hard to live it out in real life. I would like to encourage everyone (me included) to take a deep breath and realize life will not end as we know it if everything isn’t perfect. We don’t have the perfect presents, perfectly decorated house, or perfect party. Ask yourself this question: In five years, will it matter? If the answer is no then it will be okay do let the little thing go. Remembers, God is still walking among us and holding us tight if we allow it. So breathe, it will be okay. Remember God has this and us, well in hand.

Christmas Peace and Blessings,

Rev. Candace

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