Worshipping on the Mountain

Worshiping on the mountain was a spiritual event for me. The weather was picture perfect for the entire weekend and with the glorious setting, a waterfall in the background, it set the scene perfectly for worshiping God. I believe that this event brings us closer to God and God’s creation. I preached on Mark 10:46-52, “Open My Eyes”. Bartimaeus received his sight from Jesus and immediately began to follow him. I hope that we all will be made to “see” and follow Jesus.

I want to thank everyone who came to the Camp Out. We added three new events for the camp out this year; horseback riding, yoga and a virtual 5K (the actual race was in Little Rock). I participated in all three and, obviously, I think I’m younger than I actually am. I am heartened by the fact that Remington is still asleep and he is only four, of course, he did it all barefoot, so there is that.  I know that I can’t thank everyone that worked so hard to make this event successful, so if you even made it to the mountain, THANK YOU. I, also, want to thank those who kept the home fires burning and helped with the church here at home. I hope everyone is resting at home for a couple of days and will be ready for our “Trunk or Treat” event on Wednesday.

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