Veteran’s Day

We observed the 100th year anniversary of the end of World War I on November 11th. It was a horrible war, as are all wars. We honored the veterans in our church who had served in all the various branches of the military. It was a solemn day all around the world but especially in Europe, Canada, and the United States. We shed blood during that war and all the others that have followed. Imagine how upsetting it was for me to read this morning that due to an IT (information technology) glitch that has affected more than 82,000 veterans as of Nov. 8, 2018 (100s of thousands are believed to be affected). Veterans are being kicked out of their housing, forced to choose between transportation, food, and getting kicked out of college. All because the government has not upgraded its computers to be able to handle the new “Forever GI Bill 2017” computer processing strain. We can do better and need to do better to serve our nation’s veterans.

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