Slaughter at Synagogue

On October 29, 2017, Rabbi Barry Block of Temple B’Nai Israel invited everyone to a memorial service honoring the 11 people murdered in their synagogue on October 27th. I am part of an interfaith group that works closely with the Jewish community in Arkansas as partners seeking openness, inclusion, justice and peace for all. We stand in solidarity with our Jewish communities in light of the senseless killings in Pennsylvania. We all condemn this senseless violence against Jewish people and their holy places. I am concerned about the creation of a culture where this kind of evil exists. It was a wonderful service that included people of all faiths to honor the dead. We had every level of government officials’ present and religious leaders from all faith traditions present. My heartfelt prayers are for all the people affected by this tragedy that they may find a sense of peace as they heal. My other prayer is that this will never happen again; in our nation or the world.

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