Petit Jean State Park

Oh, these vast, calm, measureless mountain days, days in whose light everything seems equally divine, opening a thousand windows to show us God. John Muir


We made it back from Petit Jean State Park and from our 2017 Annual Church Camp-Out. It was my first time attending and I had so much fun even though it was cold, cold, cold. We had a wonderful outdoor worship experience and behind me everyone could see the antics of a kingfisher versus crow as they fought over a fish. We were able to sit outside, in a natural setting and experience God. I felt God was in that place with us as we worshipped. We were truly standing on Holy Ground.

I ate tons of good food, much more than I probably should have. I enjoyed being out in such a beautiful place. There is much more on the mountain than just a couple of days allowed me to experience. I hiked the Cedar Fall trail and Rock House Cave Trail. My Fitbit let me know that I climbed a total of 89 flights of stairs from Friday thru Sunday and my knees & feet let me know about it too.

I want to thank everyone for pitching in and helping in whatever capacity you were called on to do. I especially need to say a special thank you to everyone for putting together such a wonderful meal. There was much more going on behind the scenes in preparation and execution that I don’t want to single anyone out for fear of forgetting someone but if you were there you got to see it in all its glory. I finally found something that I don’t think even I can mess up, cheese dip so expect it every year. I ate so much during the main luncheon that I didn’t feel hungry until 24 hours later.

I was able to go out shooting with Don, Wade, & Rodger to target practice. It was something that I hadn’t done in years except for a brief excursion the week before to make sure I wouldn’t hurt anyone. I got to shoot with their handguns and with Wade’s 50 cal. muzzle-loader which was a first for me.

It was a wonderful event and I have already made my reservations for next year, in a pet-friendly cabin, so expect to see George and Demi on the trails with me.