Charlottesville, Virginia

It seems that the UnitedStates has lost its collective mind at times such as these; times of racial violence and hatred, times of murder and mayhem, times of such vitriol in our conversations, times that the president of the United States chooses to support KKK, alt-right, neo-nazi hate groups over any others or at least think they are the moral equivalent.

They are not the same. One group wants to tear our society apart and the other was trying to stand up to such hatred. They say you have to go through us if you want to strike my African-American brothers or sisters, you have to go through us to drives Jews or Muslims from our great melting pot.

Was there violence on both sides? Yes, there was at times. However, this group also protected clergy people praying at a church. Clergy that locked arms and sang “This Little Light of Mine” in front of men dressed in para-military uniforms carrying guns. It was an incredible scene to watch unfold.

And then to see the incredible grace and courage of the mother of, Heather Heyer, killed by a neo-nazi, say that she refuses to hate. It is enough to make you cry.

I encourage everyone to watch this 22-minute video.