First Car

READ – 1 Peter 1:3-25
I remember when I was growing up. My dad made me pay for my own car instead of just giving it to me. He said that I would value the car more if I had to pay for it.

Last week we celebrated the miracle of the Christian faith – the resurrection of Christ. Christ paid the ultimate price for our sins. Does this mean that we don’t value Christ’s gift? Sometimes perhaps we don’t value it enough and we let secular concerns come before Christ.

Our Easter faith is not something we simply declare once a year before we go back to our daily lives. It is something that reaches into the heart of our very existence. So I challenge you to ask yourselves how much do you cherish life in Christ’s community and what are you prepared to sacrifice for Christ? The Christ we worship walks with us for the entire journey of our lives because He places a very high value on each and every one of us – shouldn’t we do the same? As Christians who live in the light of the resurrection, we are charged to live as Jesus in the world. He is counting on you!!