Weather Alert Radio

Mark 4:35-41Common English Bible (CEB)
35 Later that day, when evening came, Jesus said to them, “Let’s cross over to the other side of the lake.” 36 They left the crowd and took him in the boat just as he was. Other boats followed along.
37 Gale-force winds arose, and waves crashed against the boat so that the boat was swamped. 38 But Jesus was in the rear of the boat, sleeping on a pillow. They woke him up and said, “Teacher, don’t you care that we’re drowning?”
39 He got up and gave orders to the wind, and he said to the lake, “Silence! Be still!” The wind settled down and there was a great calm.40 Jesus asked them, “Why are you frightened? Don’t you have faith yet?”
41 Overcome with awe, they said to each other, “Who then is this? Even the wind and the sea obey him!”

Sunday night another storm blew through Arkansas. It doesn’t seem as if we suffered the same kind of damage that hit North Texas but we all know it is just a matter of time. The other day THV11 was selling storm radios at Kroger’s. I went ahead and bought one because the possibility (probability) that the next storm will hit while I’m asleep. I know that the city has warning sirens and my phone can be quite annoying but it is important for news if the televisions/satellite/cable go out. It cost me around $35 and I debated whether or not to spend that money but in the end decided that it was probably a wise investment. The best part was that the THV folks programmed it for me so I only get awakened if Pulaski County is going to get hit.

Jesus can storm the storms in our lives in a literal and figurative manner. He also teaches us that we are to use all our God-given talents including our intelligence to keep ourselves safe. I have smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors in my home, too. I encourage you to make similar investments to keep yourselves safe. The fire department will help install the smoke detectors if you need it. Don’t let yourself be caught off guard.