Lenten Devotion

Matthew 19: 26 “For mortals it is impossible, but for God all things are possible.”

When I first felt God calling me into ministry, I said no. First, I said no because who in their right mind wants to be a preacher? I sure didn’t. I wanted a job where I stayed in the same house for years and didn’t move around at the mercy of others, who I might not even know. I said no, because I was scared to talk in front of a group of people. I said no, because I didn’t feel like I was good enough. Good enough to preach. Good enough to be a child of God. Good enough to represent God. I had been in the Army, cussed, drank, fought, and hadn’t memorized the Bible from front to back; surely that was enough to disqualify me from being called into the service of God. I don’t think I even owned a dress, had ten holes in my earlobes for earrings, and a tattoo. Now does that sound like any preacher you know? I had not grown up in the church. I was not even a Christian for most of my life. I tried Buddhism and paganism, and had finally just given up on the whole God thing.

God had other ideas, however. Every time I turned away, God turned me back. Every time I found an excuse, God found a reason for me to go on. Every time an obstacle came up, over time that obstacle was defeated and it wasn’t by my power-it was by the power of God. God put the right people in my life at the right time to keep me going. For example, a woman pastor, when I didn’t even know that women could be pastors.

Mentors that encouraged me, held me accountable, held my hand when I was ready to give up. Friends that recognized the weird way I memorize things all the way through seminary and were able to put a name to it. God put those people on the same path with me and God is still putting those same people on the path with me. Keeping me going in the direction that God wants me to go, even when I’m tempted to deviate at times and go my own way.

God brought me this far, and by the power of God I will continue to do the work of God.