Monday I went to my Perkins Preaching Cohort. I have been going for almost two years now and getting near the end of the course. I have enjoyed getting to meet with my peers and discuss our preaching experiences.

It is really easy to see our personalities come out in our sermons. My Myers-Briggs personality profile is ISTJ; Introvert Sensing Thinking Judging. I like to lay out the facts to build my case for faith, think like Joe Friday from the old show – Dragnet. It is important to know the facts but there are some things that we have to take on faith.

We are studying the Creed and last week we talked about why we believe in God. All the facts in the world will not convince an atheist to believe in God just like the facts, an atheist, throws at us will not convince a Christian not to believe in God. We have to explain how our faith in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit make a difference in OUR lives.

That is the key to sharing our faith. Tell the story about how belief in Jesus Christ made your life better. Be like the woman at the well. Run — tell the story.