Holy Week

No excused for my dismal lack of posts on this blog. I have been a little busy but I still manage to read on a daily basis, so I should take some time to write as well.

Holy Week is a time that we should slow down and embody the process. I have not mastered that because of all the work getting the services put together, sermons written and all the other stuff. It is a failure on my part or a think it is anyway. Holy Week to me seems like how Tax Season to an accountant might feel. Never been an accountant but I can imagine. No idea if it is true but I can imagine.

I recently prayed at a City Hall Meeting because on of the Alderman invited me too. Bruce Fauch (sp) who will not be running again because of illness. I was honored to be asked and plan on getting more involved with the city of North Little Rock. I went to a NLR Police Luncheon and also a training at the Emergency Response Team HQ. They are bringing together resources that can be called upon in the event of a Disaster. I was exercising at the gym wearing my UMCOR Disaster tshirt and the Disaster Coordinator for NLR saw my shirt and asked me to attend. I hope to be of service to the city if there is ever a need.

My daughter was able to go to Israel with her school last week. I wonder if it should be against parent/daughter protocol for the daughter to get to Israel before the mother. Ah the mistakes I made in drafting our parental agreements (joking btw)