
I have discovered that my calendar is all filled up for the next two months. It shouldn’t have come as such surprise to me, but it did surprise me. Keeping up with two churches, being a Circuit Elder, serving on a couple of boards, is proving to keep me busy.


I still take some time off to recharge once a week and, except for a brief cold, I have loved every minute of it. I still have the cold but it is getting better. I wake up before the sun is up and go for a walk with the dogs. George loves going to work with me and has a quite devoted group of followers. He loves all the attention and his becoming quite a nosy fellow.

I lost Lily last month and it was rough. The boys have started cuddling now. I guess they miss her too.

I started with a new cohort of pastors. We are part of the Perkins Preaching Excellence group that will be together for the next two years. A former professor is the person who started this program. I look forward to polishing off my preaching abilities.